M.O.G.F Committee
Membership, Operations, Governance, and Finance Committee
Co-Chairs: Barbara Hitchcock, and Barrett Johnson
Leading the Social Change
The Membership & Operations half of this committee is primarily responsible for building and enhancing intra-organizational relationships and operations, including:
Developing and managing relationships with prospective and existing board and committee members, staff, interns, fellows, volunteers, and key strategic partners
Oversight of organizational facilities, property, equipment, leases, accounts (non-banking/financial), subscriptions, and day-to-day operations
This committee manages the recruitment, nomination, orientation, and engagement of CSWA members and affiliated persons and works with CSWA staff to maintain the CSWA Board & Committee Roster. The committee reports to the Board on current membership activity, including forthcoming expiring terms of board membership. It may submit recommendations for new board members for election at any board meeting, using guidelines and procedures approved by the Board. Each year, between March and June, and depending on the needs of the CSWA, the Committee extends invitations for additional terms of office to members whose terms will expire at the end of that fiscal year. CSWA By-Laws Amended and Based on members’ willingness, availability, and level of engagement as to continued service on the board, the committee submits a proposed membership reelection slate to the entire board for approval. Every two years, between March and June, the committee is responsible for conducting the election of board officers who assume duties on July 1.
The Governance & Finance half of this committee has three primary functions:
Promulgation, amendment, and enforcement of organizational bylaws and applicable policies
Budgetary and fiscal oversight
Strategic planning and partnerships. The committee also oversees the development, maintenance, and implementation of policies corresponding to these areas of responsibility, including managing amendments and revisions to the bylaws, developing organizational, operational guidelines, and approving operational guidelines for the other CSWA committees
The Vice President, or another Board member appointed by the President, co-chairs the committee, along with the Treasurer or other co-chair appointed by the President. The board Treasurer also chairs the standing Budget Subcommittee and is the primary contact for the assigned budget analyst within USC Social Work Advancement. Each year, the Governance & Finance Committee, in collaboration with the Treasurer, ensures the development of a proposed budget, which committee leadership presents to the Board for mark-up and approval. The committee also oversees the development of budgets for programs and events such as the annual CSWA Awards Luncheon and the Social Work Hall of Distinction Induction Ceremony, monitors financial reports prepared by the Advancement Office, and prepares an annual financial report, along with quarterly updates when available, on all CSWA financial accounts, for review and approval by the Board of Directors. A board or committee member appointed by the President chairs the Strategic Planning Subcommittee, which oversees and manages strategic planning, partnerships, MOUs, or other agreements reflecting institutional relationships with USC and other entities.
Special Note: Although compliance and risk management issues are administratively three housed within the Governance & Finance Committee, all board members have fiduciary duties and responsibilities of due diligence related to proper oversight of organizational finances, resources, operations, and adherence to applicable statutes, regulations, and policies.
A selection of video giving a brief about CSWA